Feeling overwhelmed? You are not alone. Small changes can have a big impact.

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious?

Are you even questioning whether you have the time to read this blog about how to feel less stressed and overwhelmed? Stick with me for just two minutes. This is your time, and you never know what you might take away from it. While you’re here, try taking a few deep breaths, although that might contradict point two!

Let’s start with a few things you can let go of to make room for what you want to do.

What to Stop Doing:

1. Keeping Your Phone by Your Bed
Consider leaving your phone outside your bedroom or at least out of reach from your bed. The goal? Stop checking it first thing in the morning. When you start your day by looking at your phone, you’re immediately letting in the world’s problems before you’ve even looked out the window. Studies suggest that people who wait at least an hour before checking emails are actually more productive, so why not give it a try?

2. Multi-Tasking
Trying to do too many things at once can overwhelm your brain. Unless it’s listening to a funny podcast while you’re doing the washing up, ditch the multitasking! Focus on one thing at a time, and you’ll likely feel calmer and more accomplished.

3. Saying Yes to Everything
Give yourself space to pause before committing to things. Instead of saying “yes” right away, try “I’ll get back to you on that.” It gives you time to decide whether you truly want to do something or if you’re just agreeing out of guilt or obligation.

4. Spending Time with Energy Vampires
You don’t have to cut people out completely, but if someone constantly drains your energy, set a time boundary. And remember, you don’t have to manage other people’s emotions. If someone is disappointed that you need a night to rest instead of meeting up, let them sit with that feeling, it’s okay!

5. Mindless Scrolling
Endless scrolling can be a time thief. Try setting a timer when you go online, and pay attention to how you feel afterwards. Do you feel inspired and uplifted, or drained and discouraged? If it’s the latter, consider adjusting your social media habits.


You’re still with me!

Ok, so now I’m going to suggest some things you might want to start doing, again bear with me, you might find it useful…

What to Start Doing:

1. Create a Mini Morning Routine
Take 10–15 minutes just for you. Yes, you might need to wake up a little earlier (sorry!), but it could be as simple as making a warm drink and looking out the window, stepping outside for some fresh air, or doing a few gentle stretches. Ask yourself: How do I want to feel at the end of today? Having this in your mind now can help you work towards it during the day.

2. Try Time Blocking
Grab a planner or a simple notebook and assign specific time slots to tasks. Before bed, do a “brain dump” of everything on your mind; worries, to-dos, things you don’t want to forget. Then, look at what can be scheduled, delegated, or cross off the things you know you have no time for in the next week. A little planning can help you start the evening without feeling so overwhelmed.

“Small wins count and they add up to a greater sense of achievement.“

3. Celebrate Small Wins
Just like mornings, your evenings deserve a bit of reflection. Instead of focusing on what didn’t get done, acknowledge what you did accomplish; even if it’s something as simple as remembering to brush your teeth twice today! Small wins count, and they add up to a greater sense of achievement.

By letting go of what drains you and intentionally adding small, calming habits, you’ll create more space to breathe, relax, and feel balanced. Take it one step at a time.

If you’d like some support with sorting out your busy head, please contact me to book a session or a 10 minute chat to see how I can support you.


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